Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

If you use our website ( or any of our services, Qasim Anwer will collect, use, and disclose the personal information you provide in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Your privacy is paramount to us, and we safeguard your personal data.

Acquisition of Personal Data

You may provide us with personal information when you visit our website, create an account, place an order, subscribe to our newsletter, or fill out a form. Your name, email address, phone number, postal address, and payment information are personal data we gather.

Use of Personal Data

  • The following are some potential uses for personal data we may collect from you:
  • To deliver our services to you, such as processing payments and completing orders
  • In order to contact you about your orders, our services, and special offers
  • To enhance our services and website
  • To send you marketing emails about our services and goods that we believe you would find interesting, but only if you agree to receive them.

Transmission of Personal Information

We could give your personal information to outside contractors that help us run our website and offer services. Moreover, we reserve the right to reveal your personal data if we are obliged to do so by law or if you break one of our user agreements.

Other Tracking Methods Besides Cookies

To learn more about how you navigate our website, we may use cookies and other tracking technologies. Your IP address, type of browser, operating system, and other usage data may be included in this data. This data is used to improve our website and enhance the user experience. You can deactivate cookies in your browser's settings, but doing so might make it harder for you to access some aspects of our website. 


The information you provide us will be protected from abuse, disclosure, and unauthorized access in accordance with reasonable precautions. As no security mechanism is foolproof, we cannot ensure your personal data's protection.


Modifications to This Privacy Policy

In order to keep our privacy statement current, we may update it in response to changes in our procedures or governing legislation. We strongly advise you to regularly examine our privacy statement.

Contact Us

Please contact us at 0092 3090622159 or email us at if you have questions or issues regarding this privacy statement or our privacy policies.

You agree to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. This applies if you use our website or services.